Youโ€™re ready to buy a home or investment property and you feel like buying property should be easy because anyone can do it, right?

But, for some reason, youโ€™ve been looking at properties and not finding or winning the ones that you want. ย 

Youโ€™ve probably also bid or negotiated on a few properties already and lost them all.ย 

This time, youโ€™ve found the one you really have your heart set on and you donโ€™t want to risk missing out on this one too.

The auction day heartbreak is just way too much to go through again.ย 

But thereโ€™s also a part of you that feels uncertain about whether the property is a good one or if youโ€™ve missed something.ย 

Am I about to buy a lemon?ย 

The thought of overlooking something is a niggling thought in the back of your mind. Because making a mistake when it comes to property is an expensive mistake and youโ€™re especially concerned that youโ€™re going to overpay for your property.

Now you can have total confidence that you are buying a good, solid property, at the right price.ย 


Get everything you need to go from home searching

to home-purchased in just a few weeksย 

Professional Property Inspection:

Weโ€™ll thoroughly inspect your chosen property using ourย 200-point checklist to make sure nothing is missed and that youโ€™re purchasing a good property. Weโ€™ll also take photos of any important things you need to note so that youโ€™re fully informed.

Professional Property Appraisal:

Our detailed process gives you an accurate assessment of the property value based on the location, market, competition and sales campaign and loads more delivered to you in a detailed property report.


Weekly campaign tracking:

Weโ€™ll call the sales agent each week to see how the sales campaign is performing. Interest in a property can rapidly change and that affects the sellerโ€™s price expectations. Weโ€™ll keep on top of how many other interested parties are involved and use that information to your advantage.

โ€˜Preparing you for auctionโ€™ Guidebook:

This is designed to help make sure you have all your ducks in a row before auction day, so that thereโ€™s no last minute scramble or stress. Youโ€™ll have all the logistics neatly laid out for you.

Pre-Auction Negotiation or Tailored Negotiation Strategy:

Weโ€™ll consider all the important factors that can affect the negotiation and create a strategy thatโ€™s tailored specifically to you and your unique situation. This strategy will be designed to get you the best outcome possible (and itโ€™s nearly impossible to pull off without our professional help).

Done-for-you Auction Bidding:

Weโ€™ll attend the auction on your behalf and bid up to our agreed limit. We excel at managing the other bidders and the auctioneer to get the best possible outcome and save you thousands.

A Professional Sounding Board:

Got ideas? No worries. Youโ€™ll have a professional sounding board to bounce your ideas off so that you wonโ€™t have to worry that your ideas are leading you down the wrong track.

Exclusive Contract Clauses:

Get our exclusive clauses that give you the best possible terms, help you avoid risk and offer you the protection you deserve as a buyer (but you donโ€™t get when you try to DIY).

Legal Advocate In Your Corner:

We know the laws and what is “normal” and we know how to protect you. We advocate for you to ensure youโ€™re protected so that no-one is dropping you into a contract with hidden clauses that expose you to risk. We get you the security and protection you deserve.

Full Access to Us During The Process:

Got questions? No worries. You will get a direct line to contact us on in case you have questions. You wonโ€™t need to stress about anything because you have our full support.

Referral to Our Recommended Service Providers:

Get access to our hand-selected team of specialists who have a rock solid track record and have helped 100โ€™s of our clients get into their dream home. Best of all, theyโ€™ll give you special Parker Buyer Advocacy pricing and roll out the red carpet for you.


Confidence that youโ€™re buying a good property — When you work with us, you know youโ€™re not buying a lemon thanks to our comprehensive inspection process.

Confidence about maximum bidding price — Know the absolute limit of what you should pay before youโ€™re overpaying.ย 

Expert knowledge of the auction rules — We know what the law does and doesnโ€™t allow the auctioneer to do and wonโ€™t be duped into paying more for the property.


Immunity to auctioneerโ€™s psychological sales tactics — We have 14+ years experience and know all the tricks. They donโ€™t work on us, which can save you thousands.

Clarity around the real price of a property — The quote ranges on a property can be confusing and misleading. Youโ€™ll get an accurate assessment of the price.


Professional bidding strategy and tactics — We read the situation and apply bidding tactics to alter the possible outcome of what other bidders are going to do next. This can mean wiping other bidders out altogether and saving you money.

A trusted adviser — Weโ€™re always on your side. We remain calm and approach the task at hand strategically and with your best interest at the heart of every decision.

An expert negotiator in your back pocket — Post-auction negotiations are a high pressure situation. Weโ€™ll be your skilled negotiators who are calm under the pressure to get you the best possible result.



We spend 10 minutes on the phone together to get to know where youโ€™re at in your home buying journey, what challenges youโ€™re facing in the process and whether this is the right service for you.


If you qualify for the serviceย you will sign the service authority, power of attorney and pay the service fee.
Weโ€™ll get together on the phone or in person to confirm all the important details for your chosen property.

Weโ€™ll also clarify want to do with the property, discuss any concerns you have about the property and whether youโ€™re considering renovations. Weโ€™ll keep that information in mind when doing the inspection


Using our comprehensive 200-point checklist to thoroughly inspect the property and make sure nothing is missed, so that we can give you an accurate assessment of the property.

Weโ€™ll take photos so that, if thereโ€™s anything we need to discuss, we have a visual reference so that itโ€™s easy for you to understand the key issues.

A core part of our negotiation strategy is knowing how the sales campaign is tracking. Weโ€™ll interview the sales agent to understand how much competition there is on your chosen property and the vendorโ€™s readiness to sell.

This will help us find opportunities to save you money or help you avoid missing out on the property if thereโ€™s strong competition.

Youโ€™ll get a custom report that outlines:

  • Land size
  • Location
  • Local property market
  • Buyer demographic
  • Calibre of renovation
  • Recent comparable sales
  • Vendors circumstances
  • Development opportunities
  • Availability of similar properties
  • Quoted price
Interest in a property can rapidly change and that affects the sellerโ€™s price expectations, so weโ€™ll also continue tracking the sales campaign until the property is sold.
Weโ€™ll get on the phone to discuss our negotiating strategy.ย Thereโ€™s so many things that we consider when approaching the negotiations. But you wonโ€™t need to worry about any of that because weโ€™ve got you covered.

If the property is going to auction. We will attend the auction on your behalf & bid up to our agreed limit.

Once the offer has been accepted, or we have won the property at auction, we get all the paperwork worked up & send you the final contract to sign or we can sign on your behalf, if needed.ย The only thing thatโ€™s left is a phone call from us to celebrate that the home is now yours. (We hope you have that bottle of Champagne chilled!)ย 


Your last job is to crack the bottle or champagneย open and toast to your success!



Let’s get together
Say Hello!

Ready to discuss how we can make home buying or investing in property a breeze for you? Fill out the form below and our team will be in touch with you shortly.ย