Lisa Parker & Kaz Young of Everyday Property Investing talk about the Adjusting to a Changing Property Market.

LISTEN NOW: Everyday Property Investing Podcast – Adjusting To A Changing Property Market

Many changes have been brought into the Property Investing Arena  lately to cool down the property market, try to help First Home Buyers gain entry to the market, encouraging Home Ownership and discourage Property Investment.

This episode provides insight for both the Melbourne and Brisbane property markets, where Lisa & Karen are based respectively, with regards to how all these changes provide possibilities for you.

  • Changes happening in the industry at the moment
  • Opportunities for your purchasing strategy
  • Managing your “Readiness to Purchase”
  • Is the media negativity right or can you get a bargain now?
  • Constriction of Lending / Bank Rule Amendments – Borrowing Power, Servicability, Equity
  • Self Managed Super Fund
  • First Home Owner Grant
  • Negative Gearings Impact

BONUS – Lisa Parker recounts a recent experience – “How an offmarket opportunity is probably being kept quiet for a good reason'” aka “The time that a security escort was required at the viewing”

LISTEN NOW – Everyday Property Investing Podcast – Adjusting To A Changing Property Market